
Hello World!

First off, thank you. Thank you for taking the time to come check us out, even though at this point you may not know who, or what we are entirely. Yes, it only takes a moment to click a link and look at a sparse website, but in today’s world there are so many other options and distractions that you could have chosen instead, so again – Thank you!

Now for the good stuff! oO

Terra Byte Foundry (TBF) is a collective of IT personalities coming together to share their thoughts, ideas, and decades of experience with other like-minded people and your average Joe that is curious about the IT realm. We are currently focusing on IT Security and Data Privacy topics but are open to having discussions about most things that fall under the banner of IT, Business, Governance, and Compliance. If there is something you want to see discussed or have questions about, reach out to us via our contact page or social media handles, and we will start a dialogue.

Here is what you can expect from us going forward –

  • Regular blog posts – These can be anything from our original thoughts, useless ramblings, discussions about possible show topics (see below), show notes/transcripts, or many other topics. The goal will be to publish something weekly, but we promise to put out something at a minimum monthly.
  • Podcasts – We are working to develop podcasts for you. Our format will most likely be either Shawn talking about relevant topics, sometimes solo, but mostly with James (maybe a guest or two).
  • Behind the scenes videos – We still haven’t decided if it is a good idea to pull back the curtain too much, especially after effect it had on the wizard when Toto exposed him, but we also think this would be a fun way for followers to see that despite our bravado we really are normal folks, same as you. (Plus, unlike the Wizard we have nothing to hide)

Hopefully as time passes, we will be growing the community and our base will gain something from the insight we provide, even if that is a good laugh on occasion (at our expense, most likely). TBF is looking forward to being a part of the global community and hopes you enjoy our product.

If you have suggestions, comments, questions, or just want to say – please do not hesitate to contact us through our contact form or social media.

Now – Let’s get ready to [Insert something cool here] <- Intentionally left blank

~ Shawn (@TBF_shawn)


PS Hello World also selected intentionally, as an intro subject and coding theme reference. oO

PSS No, I won’t always spell out things I do that I find clever and am worried you won’t realize it is on purpose versus letting you sort it out yourself.

PPSS I just wanted to use the PPSS